Hello there my dear friends and family in Christ!

As you may or may not know, my wife Shirlanne and I recently won the Mega-Millionas Lottery a received a cash payout of $12,600,000.00! We actually knew ahead of time that we were going to win, so it wasn't as big of a shock as you can imagine. We prayed about playing the lottery and I was always taught through the legalism of the church that it was wrong and it was "gambling", but God said that is was not called gambling when you were a WINNER, it was called "winning". There was a quality of life that we saw ourselves at. You could say that we used the power of our God-given IMAGINATIONS to bring this to pass. We firmly believe in Tithing and since we are fairly wise about people and what they are all about, we think that we will be able to make the right choices.

Our NEW Life together!

Before we even won the lottery, we had our eyes on this one house in Incline Village, Nevada. We were living in California at the time and the political climate became sketchy after Trump became President and our Record Label, Progressive Edge Records needed to move out of California for business reasons, so our minds were made up. We saw ourselves in this house and even took screen shots and printed them out and hung them up on the walls around us, so that we became immersed in this new reality that we were literally creating around us and it worked!

Hitting the road soon!

Since our new home will be in escrow for a while, Shirl and I have decided to purchase this RV/Equipment Hauler and tour other various Churches and Ministries and see what they are all about. Obviously we will donate money to the Reno Food Bank and local organizations that need our help, but we are looking to tithe on 13-Million Dollars, which means that YOU take a moment to fill out the contact form below and then we will process your request by looking at your website and reviewing your information, then we will be contacting you by phone to setup a time when we can meet in person. From there, only God knows what will happen, but if you are honest and sincere and not some scam artist, then chances are God will do something AMAZING!!

A passion for people...

Shirl and I have an amazing passion for hurting people and for lost souls. Honestly, that is where our focus is primarily at. Big churches that have at least 5,000 people in any given service are not eligible for this particular event. In 2002, lightning hit Shirl's home killing three of her precious children (Jeremy, Christian & Jesse). She was in distress and then some things happened shortly afterward that hurt even as much as the fire. Somehow, Shirl kept on believing in Faith that God knew what He was doing. It took over a decade to Heal Shirl's Heart, but eventually she was able to move into a position of the Warrior Princess that she really is.

A heart for ministry...

My wife Shirl Spencer and I have both been in Ministry for over 30+ years and we both LOVE GOD and we both have received several Spiritual Gifts that are used for the GLORY OF GOD and to touch the lives of lost people wanting to know JESUS. We do not look at Salvation as a Complicated Process. We choose to present the GOSPEL through our POWERFUL MUSIC & OUR TEACHING SEMINARS where we delve into the world of Quantum Mechanics and explain who GOD really is. A lot of people are not aware that science does ideed confirm what the Bible says from a QUANTUM PERSPECTIVE. Between the music and our teachings, we are able to reach thousands of people every year. We would now like to assist you!

A desire to serve...

We are in the ARMY OF GOD and there is no doubt about that with us at all. As far as our rank and serial number, that is not important, ONLY LIFE IS IMPORTANT. We are an ordained couple who will come to your church or ministry and put on a concert to raise awareness among the people in your area. I'm sure that we will be assisting World-Wide Ministries as well, but our focus is to cause a stir in our own communities and see lives changed and people come to the knowledge of the Love of God that is in Christ Jesus. We believe that miracles DO indeed happen DAILY and we know personally because WE WON THE LOTTERY ON FAITH!!!! We have always had a desire to serve God, but now we are ALL IN with Him and Going All the Way....

A need to heal...

Shirl and I both believe not only in the laying on of hands to heal the sick, but we also operate in the Word of Wisdom and the Word of Knowledge that will often times bring forth Revelation Knowledge about a certain person's condition and what they need to do to change it. Many people bring sickness and other infirmaries into their own lives by making bad decisions over and over and what we do is we look inside of them and give them an opportunity to come clean with God and get healed right then & there. If for some reason you do not believe that God does miracles these days, then we really need to talk because have I got some news for you! The GOSPEL is called "the GOOD news" and it is the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ! We not only believe in HEALING of the Saints of God, WE EXPECT IT!

A gift for worship...

Both myself and my wife Shirl have not only a heart for worship, but we are very gifted musically and especially when it comes to leading worship and bringing people into the presence of the Most High God. We take this very seriously and that is why our Technical Rider is so descriptive about our needs to be able to make this happen. We are top-notch performers and when we play a show, there is are elements of entertainment that become over-shadowed by the leading of the Holy Spirit, which often times leads to amazing things & move of God!



The ones who need it the most!

These are usually smaller Ministries that for the most part go un-noticed and ignored by the masses and these are the people that Shirl and I have a heart for. There are Ministries out there that have Millions of Dollars and that is great for them, but now is YOUR opportunity to get in on a move of God that will last for a long-long time. In 2014, Shirl and I got involved with an Orphanage in Pakistan that really needed blankets for the children, so we stepped up and raised more than enough money to buy blankets for every child, and even bought a cake and threw a party to show their appreciation. We were very touched by the children's love! They were amazing and to them we meant the world. We were people that they only knew through the receiving of something that they really needed. We really hope that you heed the call and take us up on our offer.

People who have a "vision".

The Bible clearly says that "my people perish for a lack of vision". We have worked with plenty of people who had no idea what they were doing, but they had at least taken the time to sit down and figure it out and even though they were learning along the way, they still had a vision and a written plan. We require that all candidates have a written business plan or proposal that we can look over in order to do a little research and better assess your goals and needs for a particular project or expansion... God said in His Word to "Call those things that be NOT, as though they WERE" and we are firm believers that there is nothing random in the Universe. Everything happens for a reason and it is carefully Orchestrated by Our very own Heavenly Father and only HE knows the Hour and Day of Jesus' Return, so for now we will fight Evil and Injustice in this world.

People who do NOT give up.

We have learned a lot of things over the past few years, but if there is ONE THING that we have learned, that is the MOST important of ALL (to your future success), and that is that "Giving up is NEVER an Option". If you are the kind of person that is going to start buggin' and flip out and give up, then this program is definitely NOT for you. The enemy is a liar and the "father of lies", so do not believe a word that he says, when THE WORD OF GOD clearly says that you were created with FREEWILL, that being the case, you should exercise it and begin to Imagine what it would be like IF you were the Man or Woman of God that you would like to be and that is it.... We are human and sometimes we completely melt down and lose it and that is understandable, but after you fall down, please get back up dust yourself off and keep going. We would have NEVER won the lottery if we would had bought into the Devil's pack of lies and just GAVE UP after a few times.

Could it be YOUR Ministry?

We are not sure on how much money will go to which Ministries, but I would say at this point that it is more a matter of HOW BIG IS YOUR VISION? If you have a vision for a homeless shelter or a food ministry or something else that actually helps people, then we all would be very interested in speaking with you about your Vision and see if you have done your homework and have really thought everything through. I will tell you this for sure and that is If for any reason you do not support Israel or feel like you have beef with them, then you need to kick rocks right now and keep truckin'. We Love & Support Israel even unto death, so anyone who has a problem with Israel is NOT going to like being around Shirl and I because we will ruff them up! Hahahahaha. First we will lay hands on them and then we will pray for their Healing! And of course I mean that semi-jokingly, so take it with a grain of salt... I think that Lot's wife has some you can have! God bless & be well, Robbi & Shirl

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